Librarian Bloggers

<b>Librarian Bloggers</b>
Just enough tech to be dangerous!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Book Worms

My oldest daughter, Bethany, is...(dramatic pause) a BOOK WORM!!!

OK, so for a librarian to have a book worm kid isn't that big of a deal, but it sure makes me proud. Even better is that she likes books independently of me, and while we share some books, she is not above asking to have some extra time in the library to just browse her favorite sections (Manga!).

One library activity that Beth participated in was Kid Vid Book Chats while she was an 8th grader at San Elijo Middle School. The librarian there, Mrs. Denney, encouraged students to come in and review books on film so that others could find out about literature from a teen perspective. As we all know, teens know WAY more than any of us adults, so it's awesome that Mrs. Denney recognized and made use of that particular teen trait. She's harnessed that self-absorbed power for good, and for that, I applaud her.

I've also got to applaud Bethany though, because she stepped WAY outside her comfort zone to do the book chat, and on camera no less, and she was so nervous about doing the videos that she didn't even tell me until it was all over. She wanted to participate in this project so much that she "auditioned" and lobbied hard for the chance to be a part of it.

Obviously, Mrs. Denney has done something right in her library to have teens fighting for a chance to do a book review. What a great example for those of us who want to be in a school library.

Way to go!

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